2016 Imbolc Ritual Reflection and Omen


Our Central Altar – Photo by Annette, 2016.

In contrast to the weather of previous Imbolcs, Northern Rivers Protogrove was blessed with an incredibly mild winter day.  There was a warmth in the air which lifted everyone’s spirits.  Imbolc, traditionally seen as a herald of spring, truly lived up to the reputation.  Perhaps it was the weather, or perhaps some other mysterious force was at play.  Whatever the case, Northern Rivers had its largest Imbolc celebration yet!

Usually, Imbolc is our smallest, most intimate feast.  There were only six of us last year – including my tiny daughter.  This year, we numbered twenty!  I know that there are larger groves and protogroves in ADF, but that’s a huge number for one of our winter rites, which are generally held indoors at the Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Center.  We were nearly bursting at the seams!  If this sort of growth continues, we will have to use more creativity when setting up our ritual and feasting space.

We maintained our annual tradition of crafting Brighid crosses and mini Brat Bhrides (Brighid blankets). One of our regular guests shared some of her hey so that we could make crosses with natural material.  Pipe cleaners were on hand for little ones and adults alike.  We used fabric markers to decorate our blankets with symbols of Brighid, Druidism, healing, fire, etc. We placed them around the ritual space to soak up her blessings.  The mini blankets, in particular, went into a basket to form a bed for our Brideog, our Brighid doll.  This became one of our customs last year.  Based on actual Irish tradition, we send our youngest members (with an adult guide) to the door outside our ritual space.  Thankfully, it’s just a hallway and the little ones don’t have to worry about dressing and undressing for the winter weather!  After another adult finishes inviting Brighid to our ritual, one of the children knocks on the door.  Everyone in the ritual space makes a big deal about Brighid coming in, and we open the door.  The children parade in with the Brideog and her birch wand, circling our ritual space before placing them in the bed.  As the group grows, finding new and fun ways to involve the children is important to us.


Brighid in her bed with the birthday card my daughter made her.  Photo by Jacob, 2016.

The group certainly has more children now!  Along with my daughter, there were four other wee ones between the ages of one month and six or seven years old!  Involving children will always bring a bit of youthful chaos, but I’m proud to say that these kids were very well behaved!  Many try to meditate with us, and I try to give them cues such as “now we’re going to use our mind’s eye – our imagination.”  I invited everyone to dance, clap, or play percussive instruments when we chant, but also ask for everyone to be good listeners when others are talking.  I’m sure we have room for improvement, but we’ve come a long way!

Our magical working involved writing our creative intentions for the year on seed cards made with recycled paper. We are to tend these throughout the year and mindfully bring them into fruition.  Once more, an activity that young and old could engage in.


2016 Imbolc Omen – Photo by Annette, 2016

The group’s omen for the next several weeks was interesting but overall positive.  The Nature Spirits gave us the wren, which is symbolic for sacrifice.  The Ancestors gave us the otter, symbolic of joy and fun.  The Gods and Goddesses gave us, once more, the adder, which symbolizes transformation and shedding that which we no longer need to grow.  I drew a fourth card as an omen from Brighid.  We received the hind – the doe – a symbol of grace and feminine magic.  To me, this symbolized her blessings and love for us.  Overall, the Kindreds continue to urge us to make a collective change.  The Gods are telling us, still, that something is holding the group back from growing, and the Nature spirits hint that we need to sacrifice something to make this growth.  The Ancestors remind us that this is a joyful thing, and we should not fear this.  Overall, Brighid is blessing us with the grace to do this, and she is there with her love and magical support.

Prayers were said, offerings given, and songs sung.  A feast followed, and what a feast it was! Colcannon, shepherd’s pie, nachos and vegan cheese dip, a meat and cheese tray, chili, bean salad, homemade rolls, brownies, apple tart, and even apple eggrolls (totally amazing by the way)!  Old friends and new came together to celebrate Imbolc, and though it was cozy, that’s exactly the sort of thing that builds community and brings joy to North Country winters.

2015 Winter Solstice Ritual Reflection and Omen


Our Winter Solstice Altar – Photo by Grey Catsidhe, 2015.

A small but joyous group gathered to celebrate the Winter Solstice on December 19th. A little early for the astrological occasion, but we used the time to celebrate and anticipate the growing strength of the sun. We honored Aengus, the Young God, because of his associations with joy, youth, and love. In particular, we reflected on the compassion he showed to others such as Étaín.  Transformed into a butterfly by sorcery, and injured by a storm, Aengus took her into his home and healed her in his sun chamber.  We also reflected on his connection to Newgrange, which has solar associations with the Winter Solstice.  We made charms of dried fruit and cereal and filled them with our intent to cultivate light and show compassion to others. Songs were sung and offerings were given to the Kindreds.  It was a joyous ritual!

We did something a little different in that we feasted in the middle of our ritual as our “return flow.” We visualized the blessings of the Kindreds flowing into our feast. Guests brought a variety of goodies! There was a sunny Solstice veggie pie, a pile of homemade rolls, mac and cheese, nacho dip, loaded baked potatoes, veggies, pumpkin juice, and several sweets! There was much indulging.


Our 2015 Winter Solstice omen.  Photo by Weretoad.

Grey Catsidhe acted as ritual leader and seer. She took the omen using the Druid animal oracle.  The Nature Spirits gave us the otter which symbolizes playfulness and joy.  The Nature Spirits urged us to enjoy the winter season and get in touch with our inner children!  The Ancestors gave us the snake which is associated with healing and shedding that which we no longer need.  Interestingly, a similar omen was drawn at our Samhain ritual.  The Ancestors are reminding us that we must continue the spiritual work we started on their feast day.  Finally, the Gods and Goddesses gave us the hind/doe.  She symbolizes grace and the magic of the fairy realm.  The Shining Ones urge us to commune with them, and to take what comes between now and Imbolc with grace.  The omens spoke of change, but also playfulness and elegance.  Overall, they were very positive!

In addition to some seasonal caroling and a gift exchange, the protogrove also took an additional collection to benefit Wellesley Island Wildlife Rehabilitation.    Northern Rivers Protogrove is proud to say we raised $58.42!  Grey Catsidhe is going to add to make it $60, and she will buy a Petco gift card to help Sue-Ryn continue her wonderful work!

Thank you to everyone who came and made our Winter Solstice gathering one to remember.  Happy New Year!

Photos from Bealtaine 2014

We gathered to celebrate at the Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Center in Adams, NY. Look! We made the sign! Photo by Grey Catsidhe, 2014.

Our workshop was the traditional dancing  of the Maypole. Photo by Tara Loughborough, 2014.

Our finished Maypole! The imperfections make it more fun and fancy free. Photo by Tara Loughborough, 2014.

The clootie tree at Kripalu was once more our World Tree. It looks like a May Bush! How lovely! Photo by Grey Catsidhe, 2014.

Omens and offerings. Photo by Tara Loughborough, 2014.

Potluck time! We had a variety of pasta and veggie salads, fresh homemade rolls, fruit, cakes, cupcakes, chips, and drinks. Photo by Grey Catsidhe, 2014.

Spring Equinox 2014

On Saturday, March 15th, Northern Rivers gathered at the Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Center to celebrate the Spring Equinox. The spirits of the occasion were the Nature Kindred. We did a magical working to heal the waters of the world and then did some drumming to wake the Nature Spirits up! They like to sleep late in the North Country…

It was a beautiful rite full of much reflection, laughter, and celebration!


The Three Hallows in the center of our ritual space. We decorated the area with representations of the Nature Spirits. You’ll see flowers, a deer skull, fairies, some crystals… Photo by Weretoad, 2014.


Holda made a delicious bunny cake. Super festive! Photo by Grey Catsidhe, 2014.

gods eye

The Yoga Center redecorated their altar. I love the colors! It’s really magical. Photo by Weretoad, 2014.

Member Altar: Tara Loughborough

A view of Tara Loughborough’s Druidic altar

This is the first of what I hope will be a continuing series of posts. I love to see other people’s altars. They inspire me and I feel that they help me understand a person better. The way we take the Three Hallows of fire, well, and tree, and reinterpret them to represent ourselves and our intimate relationships with the Kindreds, is a beautiful art. Our altars are forever evolving, often changing with the seasons or the phases of the moon.