Samhain 2015 Business Meeting Minutes

Held on 10/31/15

Start: 8:30

Folk present: Weretoad, Grey, Jacob, Cassandra, and Andrew

Acolytes present: 0

Guests: Bee and Larry

Ongoing Business

    1. Bylaws – We were going to vote on content but decided that, since we hadn’t finished reviewing the final two articles, and some members weren’t present, we will do a final vote at our Winter Solstice meeting.  This final vote is to encompass both content and wording.  We will plan to continue revising and editing online.  Cassandra reminded the group that we should think about adding language about donations, specifying that they are non-refundable.  This is in response to an issue we had a little over a year ago.  Weretoad also asked about our position as a tax exempt religious group.  Specifically, he feels that we should obtain a receipt book to keep with our materials.  If a guests wants a receipt to receive a tax credit at the end of the year, we must be prepared.  Grey concluded that we should add that responsibility to the treasurer description in the bylaws.
    1. Treasurer Report – Weretoad reported that we had $291.26 prior to Samhain donations.  Grey used $1.94 to print chant sheets for the event.  Somehow, we ended up with 36 cents more than we should.  We took in $21 in donations after Samhain.  We added $4 of our funds to pay the Yoga Center the agreed rent of $25.  This leaves us with $287.

New Business

    1. Day of Protest – Grey shared information about the Day of Protest organized by locals in the 1000 Island area.  Folk in attendance wanted more information to fully understand the situation.  Grey agreed to post links to various articles that have been posted.  Many were not sure about attending for various reasons.
    1. *Ghosticon – Grey shared information about the first ever ADF convention in Albany mid-March.  Several people are interested in attending.  Grey will continue to share information as it comes.
    1. Winter Solstice – We decided to have a “Winter Solstice and Yule Ball.”  Guests are encouraged to dress in their finest for an indoor rite and celebration.  We decided that the deity of the rite will be Aengus, God of youth and joy.  The ritual parts will be as follows:
      Leader: Grey
      Outsiders: Weretoad
      Earth Mother: Cassandra
      Nature Spirits: TBD
      Ancestors: Andrew
      Gods and Goddesses: Jacob:
      Aengus: Grey
      Seer: GreyOur magical working will be making and blessing garlands of dried fruit and popcorn for the Nature Spirits.

      Our workshop will be an informal bardic circle with an emphasis on winter songs.

      More information to come.

    1. Our Own Lugh Games – Andrew proposed that we start thinking about holding our own Lugh games as he feels many local people are interested (or would be interested), but aren’t able to attend Muin Mound’s.  He, Weretoad, and Jacob all expressed interest in having some traditional Irish and Scottish games such as the caber toss.  Weretoad and Grey explained that Muin Mound is going to go through some changes in a couple years, and we really ought to consider our own Lugh games anyway.  We also discussed the possibility of having our own camping event.  The discussion will continue online and at the next business meeting.

Meeting closed: 8:50

2 thoughts on “Samhain 2015 Business Meeting Minutes

    • Hello! Our meetings our usually held at the end of our events – following the potluck. We occasionally have them in conjunction with workshops. Are you a member of our FB group?

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