Samhain 2014 Omen

Photo by John, 2014.

The spirits of the occasion were the Ancestors.

The acting seer was Grey Catsidhe.

The divination tool used was The Druid Animal Oracle.

The Nature Spirits gave us the snake, a symbol of healing and regeneration.  Our Nature Spirit allies send us the blessing of a new skin and the promise of rebirth after an ordeal.  This is something the group needed.

The Ancestors gave us the boar, a symbol for the warrior spirit.  The Ancestors remind us that we need to stand our ground and protect what is important to us.  They seem to applaud the direction Northern Rivers took to protect ourselves in the past, and remind us that we must embrace our inner boar when needed.

Finally, the Gods and Goddesses gave us the bear.  The bear reminds us to listen to our instincts.  This could have something to do with the messages from the Ancestors and Nature Spirits, but I also got the impression that it was related to the approach of winter – a busy season in some ways.  Things can become very stressful, and we need to allow ourselves time to hibernate; we need to listen to our bodies and rest.

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